Directions for an Optimal Virtual Tutoring Experience

 The following options are guidelines of what to expect:
  • Homework to be completed
  • Online material to be completed.
  • Any review packets to be completed.
  • Review for a quiz or test.
  • Go over any quiz or test taken for correction purposes.
  • Request proofs of any formula or theorem. A discussion of any process

Be on time for tutoring session.

Since scheduling may be exact, timing is everything.  Expect that we will cover 55-60 minutes of material.  We will go at your speed.

Have a notebook ready.

Have a notebook ready.

 Since material is covered virtually, it is important for you to write down whatever material you find useful.


  • Make sure your computer, tablet, or phone is powered on and running well.
  • Make sure you have internet connection.
  • Make sure you have book, documentation, or online documentation ready.
  • Make sure your camera is working. You will be able to send any pictures of homework or documentation using your camera to the tutor.  From there, they will be copied and pasted into that day’s learning session.

At the end of the session

  • A pdf document of that day’s session will be sent to your phone number or email address.
  • Upon request, a recorded video of that day’s session can be shared via google drive.

Relax and have fun in the learning process!